Friday, July 18, 2008

My big decision

I hope that this blog will keep me motivated and focused.....

On May 5th, 2008 I decided to return to a more consistent routine of eating healthy and exercise. I don't know why I picked that date, no reason really, but the ultimate reason is that my struggle to lose weight and be fit has worsened to a new shocking level. After taking an unjustified hiatus from running and healthy eating habits, my weight escalated to 280 pounds. I didn't feel that I weighed that much, which is a blessing, but three different scales confirmed this bitter truth to my doubting eyes. Over the past 5-6 years, I lost and gained and lost weight again to train for marathons and other social occasions. I was able to finish 5 marathons(barely) and endure all the tough training that comes along with it. However, I never really took weight loss seriously enough to be even close to my normal weight. While I have some reservations about the accuracy of the BMI index, I certainly agree that at 5 ' 9"(on a good day), there is no way 280 pounds would be acceptable. In fact, it hurts me to admit that I am in the "very obese " range, which is how I felt on May 5th.

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